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My Top 5 Posts of 2018
It’s so fun to look back over the past year and see all the fun projects I tried and shared here on the blog. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much we accomplish in a year and we feel like we should have done more. I’ve found this year that looking back through photos or posts from the previous year helps remind me that I really did accomplish a lot and should be proud of the work I’ve done. I really do love sharing with all of you and it still makes my day to hear that you read my post or tried one of my DIY’s, recipes, or tips! So without further ado, here’s my 5 most popular posts of 2018!

Step by Step Plan for an Organized Home: Week 5 | Makeup, Beauty Products, + Vanity
The next area up on my home organization tour is my vanity where I store all my beauty products + makeup. This is one of the most fun areas in my opinion to get organized, but also can be the most challenging for many women. As always the key to tackling this space is purging. I know I probably have a lot less makeup than most, but I also use everything I have, and if I don't like something or if something is empty or old, I toss it immediately. If you have a lot more makeup/beauty products than I do, there are a ton of great organizing options linked below too with lots of drawers, dividers, and stackers that you can combine to contain your entire collection. Also don't be afraid to think outside of the box when shopping for organizers. I love to use vintage pieces like cake plates, mirror trays, milkglass vases, and/or glass jars to contain items, especially on top of your vanity.

The Best Trader Joe's Beauty Products Haul: Part I
Good ol' TJ's is one of my favorite places to grab groceries, fresh flowers, and my dog's favorite treats, but who knew they would become my go-to for some amazing and affordable beauty products too?! I usually go to Trader Joe's at least once a week, sometimes more, and over the past couple of weeks I've picked up a few beauty items each visit. So far, I've loved everything I have tried and will definitely be buying all of these again (especially since everything is under $10)! Unfortunately Trader Joe's doesn't sell online, so I can't link these but be sure to check out your local Trader Joe's for these items! Some of them are newer and are just being rolled out in stores, so if they're not available in your area yet- they will be soon! I've given a quick review and rundown of each item below. Have you tried any of these products yet? Which are your favorites?