SAVE THE DATE: Hot Chocolate Week at the Amsden!
Join us for our annual Hot Chocolate Week at the Amsden! We'll be serving up a different hot chocolate special each day. Check back for the full line up and make plans to visit us for your favorites! Follow us on social media for more information! @theamsden
Monday January 27th - Sunday February 2nd
Hours: Monday-Saturday 7AM-7PM
Sunday 11AM-5PM
Ask for a punch card when you visit- for every 5 specials purchased during this week, you get 1 FREE!
Monday January 27th: Bourbon Caramel Hot Chocolate
Tuesday January 28th: S’More’s Hot Chocolate
Wednesday January 29th: White Chocolate Cheesecake Hot Chocolate
Thursday January 30th: Reese”s Hot Chocolate
Friday January 31st: Thin Mint Hot Chocolate
Saturday February 1st: Cinnamon Bun Hot Chocolate
Sunday February 2nd: Chocolate Cupcake Hot Chocolate