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Beautiful Home Organizing Challenge: How to Organize Your Bathroom
If you live in an older home like us, you are probably very limited on bathroom storage. A good way to combat the lack of space is by utilizing what you do have! The key is organization and making sure each item has a home and thinking of strategic ways to hide unsightly items. By using baskets under your vanity for towels, incorporating some open shelving, and maximizing vanity space, you can really make your bathrooms both functional and beautiful without having a ton of large storage spaces!

Storage Carts for Your Bathroom
Let’s talk about storage carts! these little wonders are the perfect, affordable way to add a ton of extra storage without taking up a lot of square footage! I love using them in offices, closets, laundry rooms, kitchens, and of course, bathrooms! I recently added this little 3 tier cart to our guest bath and it’s a game changer for organizing all my bath/beauty products and John Woodford’s bath toys! I added a basket to the bottom shelf to hide bath toys and used various trays and organizers on the top two shelves for other soaps, bath, and beauty products. I can even roll it around the space as I need it- by the sink or by the tub!

Beautiful Home Organizing Challenge: Linen Closet
Our next finished space for the Beautiful Home Organizing Challenge is the Linen Closet. I decided to go for a printed wallpaper to add a little pop of color and pattern to an otherwise blah space. You can see all the closets that inspired me, and read about the purging and organizing process here. Applying the wallpaper only took me about an hour, but made a HUGE impact. I’m so happy with how it turned out and all the items I added to help keep it organized. I added so much space by just transferring a few items to the door and adding those shelf dividers. All of these products were purchased from Amazon, so this is a perfect project that is relatively easy to accomplish and makes your home function SO much better. Check out the end results and shop all the pieces I used below!

Decluttering + Organizing Workshop with the Home Sanctuary
Join Katie and Kari of The Home Sanctuary for an interactive workshop focusing on decluttering + organizing for the new year. They will share their overall process for de-cluttering the most common spaces in your home including: master closets, pantries, and linen closets; share their favorite budget-friendly products that you can use to organize each of these spaces; and guide a hands-on activity so you can practice your new-found organizing skills.

My Top 5 Posts of 2018
It’s so fun to look back over the past year and see all the fun projects I tried and shared here on the blog. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much we accomplish in a year and we feel like we should have done more. I’ve found this year that looking back through photos or posts from the previous year helps remind me that I really did accomplish a lot and should be proud of the work I’ve done. I really do love sharing with all of you and it still makes my day to hear that you read my post or tried one of my DIY’s, recipes, or tips! So without further ado, here’s my 5 most popular posts of 2018!

Step by Step Plan for an Organized Home: Linen Closet
The next space up on my home organization challenge is the linen closet. Whether you have one of these in your bathroom, hallway, or laundry room, this space becomes a catch-all for so many household necessities and it's so easy for it to get cluttered and out of control. This is one space I had on my list to clean out and organize for quite some time now. I still would like to add a few things, but it is already looking so much better.

Step by Step Plan for an Organized Home: Week 3 | Bathrooms
The next space up on our organized home challenge is bathrooms! If you live in an older home like me, you are very familiar with the challenges of limited closet space and storage in bathrooms. I've always lived in older houses, so I feel like I've mastered making the most of every inch of space for storage and am always on the lookout for creative storage solutions. This post focuses on three different areas to focus on when organizing your bathroom: open shelving, bathroom cabinets, and the top of your vanity. Let's start with open shelving!