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My Top 5 Posts of 2018
It’s so fun to look back over the past year and see all the fun projects I tried and shared here on the blog. Sometimes it’s easy to forget how much we accomplish in a year and we feel like we should have done more. I’ve found this year that looking back through photos or posts from the previous year helps remind me that I really did accomplish a lot and should be proud of the work I’ve done. I really do love sharing with all of you and it still makes my day to hear that you read my post or tried one of my DIY’s, recipes, or tips! So without further ado, here’s my 5 most popular posts of 2018!

2018 + Learning to Let it Go
I learned a lot in 2018 but the thing that stands out the most is learning to let go. I always want to do it all, myself, down to every detail. I want to have control + I think I’m the only person who can do it “right.” This year though, I was forced to let go a lot.