Holiday Home Tour 2020: Nursery

Holiday Home Tour 2020: Nursery

John Woodford’s room might be my favorite because it gets the most extra special Christmas decor! Most of the ornaments on his tree are from my childhood and collected since (Disney, hallmark, vintage, etc.); all the stuffed animals in his teepee were mine when I was little; that little wreath on the teepee hung on the door in my parent’s first townhouse where I was born; and most of the books were mine too including his current fave “Christmas Mice” by Richard Scarry (which coincidentally was one of my favorites too).

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John Woodford's Vintage Southern Nursery

John Woodford's Vintage Southern Nursery

We welcomed our sweet John Woodford into the world on November 26th, 2019, exactly a week after his due date. Almost two months have simultaneously flown and crept by since then, but I am loving every second of watching this precious boy grow. John Woodford has slept in his nursery every night since the first night we came home, so this room is getting plenty of use. I wanted to finish it completely before he arrived, and since he took his time, I had plenty of extra days to work on it! There are still a few things I want to add here and there, especially now that I have a better idea of what we need practicality wise, but overall I love how it turned out. It’s the perfect mix of traditional southern, modern, and vintage with sentimental keepsakes throughout. I loved designing this space as it was just an empty, blank white room when I started a few months ago.

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Our Fixer Upper: Nursery Updates
Our Fixer Upper, Design, Baby Riddle Emily Schmidt Our Fixer Upper, Design, Baby Riddle Emily Schmidt

Our Fixer Upper: Nursery Updates

We have less than a month (hopefully) to go before Baby Woodford’s arrival which inspired some serious nesting and nursery work this past week! I dedicated two days to putting away and organizing 2 shower’s worth of gifts and hanging shelves, artwork, curtains, and decor. We also got our overhead light installed this week, so I finally have some light in here when it’s dark out! I feel so relieved that the bulk of decorating and prep in here in complete now and I only really have a few finishing touches left which I should be able to work on this week.

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Our Fixer Upper: Baby Riddle Nursery Design
Our Fixer Upper, Baby Riddle Emily Schmidt Our Fixer Upper, Baby Riddle Emily Schmidt

Our Fixer Upper: Baby Riddle Nursery Design

     Time is flying by and I already feel like I'm so behind on getting the nursery ready for baby Riddle!  I have made some progress over the last couple of weeks, narrowing down crib options and paint colors for the room though.  I have a good idea of the overall style of the room that I am going for and have already started collecting a few cute accessories and vintage decor items.  I really am leaning toward a more traditional, Americana style overall and this first inspiration below is one that I keep coming back to.

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Our Fixer Upper: Nursery Design Inspo
Baby Riddle, Our Fixer Upper Emily Schmidt Baby Riddle, Our Fixer Upper Emily Schmidt

Our Fixer Upper: Nursery Design Inspo

Now that we know the gender of baby Riddle, I'm ready to start designing and decorating the nursery ASAP!  I've been working over the past month to get my former office cleared out which we will be using as the nursery since it's right next to our bedroom and super convenient from all parts of the house.  We will be moving my office to the bonus room space over our garage, so it will be bigger and more spacious (with room for a little play area for the baby too)!  The future nursery is one of those spaces of our house that I have done absolutely nothing to since moving in, so it's really a blank slate. 

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Modern + Minimal Nursery
Design, Design Projects - Bedrooms Emily Schmidt Design, Design Projects - Bedrooms Emily Schmidt

Modern + Minimal Nursery

     I had too much fun designing my first nursery start to finish for some of my favorite clients!  This super chic, modern. and minimal nursery is full of timeless pieces that can be grown into and used for many years to come.  My clients knew they wanted a statement wall in Hale Navy (Benjamin Moore), but besides that, they really let me take the reigns on the design.  My painter put together the simple gridwork trim on the wall and then painted it all one color.  The rest of the walls were already gray which worked with our color scheme and the simple gray crib.

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