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Lights, Camera, Amsden!
We are SO excited to announce that there will be a movie filming later this week inside the Amsden. The Stand In, a new romantic comedy, starring DREW BARRYMORE is going to be filming scenes around Versailles and at Wrigley Media in Lexington. Barrymore’s character in the moving owns a furniture shop and the mercantile space will be her shop in the movie! I seriously can’t believe that my little shop is going to be on the big screen and that Drew Barrymore will be inside it in just a few days!
The crew will be filming all around Versailles for scenes of the movie including private homes, farms, and some other businesses. I believe that they will be shooting outside the Ferrick Mason showroom directly across the street from us for the exterior shop scenes and all the interior shop scenes will be inside the mercantile.

The Amsden Ambassador Program
Calling all fans of The Amsden! We just opened up applications for our NEW ambassador program! Perks include free drinks, discounts, social media training, Amsden swag, + more! Applications are now open to everyone- check out all the details below and click here to apply!

Join us this Weekend for Downtown Versailles' Holiday Open House
Join us this weekend for a full line-up of holiday festivities on Main Street in Downtown Versailles! Most businesses will be open extended hours and/or offering specials, refreshments, or activities! Stop by the Amsden to try our new holiday drinks (like peppermint mochas and snickerdoodle lattes!) which we will be debuting this weekend! We’ve also added tons of new holiday inventory to the mercantile: cozy flannels and sweaters; Christmas wreaths, greenery, and garland; and jewelry and scarves!