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All the Tips + Tricks for Cleaning and Preserving Your Pumpkins
Pumpkin season is here and y’all know I’m officially pumpkin OBSESSED. Last year, I even went to a pumpkin AUCTION and bought an entire truckload of pumpkins just for my own decor (and I used every single one, and could have probably used more!). Since I invest so much time and money in pumpkins each year, I’m always on the lookout for new ideas for keeping my pumpkins fresh and pretty through the end of October. I’ve rounded up every single trick, tip, and hack for caring for your pumpkins and keeping them looking their best through the entire fall season.

Fall Home Tour 2018: Halloween Mudroom
The amount of Halloween decor I’ve collected over the years is seriously getting out of control. Over the past several years, I’ve transitioned to doing more autumn and fall themed decor and less Halloween because it’s easy to fit in with my everyday decor and I can keep it up for a little longer after October is over if needed. I still LOVE breaking out a little bit of classic Halloween and/or spooky decor though and usually add it to just one or two spaces for late October in my house. For the last couple of years, I’ve added it to my existing porch decor for the last half of October and to greet trick or treaters (see last year’s Halloween porch here!). Last year I also did a haunted/spooky room in Alex’s office downstairs (you can find photos of that here).

Fall Home Tour 2018: Front Porch
I was more excited than usual to decorate our front porch this year because we just completed a much overdue renovation of the porch which now has all new supports, stairs, and lumber all around. We have not gotten to stain the wood yet, but who knows when we’ll have time to do that, so I just went ahead and started decking it out for fall! This is a project we had on our list since moving in, as many of the boards had major cracking or holes in them, but somehow or another it always got pushed to the side. Now it’s as good as new and completely structurally sound as well.