All the Tips + Tricks for Cleaning and Preserving Your Pumpkins
via 100 Layer Cake
Pumpkin season is here and y’all know I’m officially pumpkin OBSESSED. Last year, I even went to a pumpkin AUCTION and bought an entire truckload of pumpkins just for my own decor (and I used every single one, and could have probably used more!). Since I invest so much time and money in pumpkins each year, I’m always on the lookout for new ideas for keeping my pumpkins fresh and pretty through the end of October. I’ve rounded up every single trick, tip, and hack for caring for your pumpkins and keeping them looking their best through the entire fall season.
7 months pregnant with my haul from last year’s pumpkin auction!
A few things to look for when choosing your pumpkins and caring for them:
Check the entire pumpkin for rotting or weak spots (especially the stem and area around)! This is usually where rotting can start on many pumpkins.
Avoid placing pumpkins in direct sunlight which will cause them to rot faster.
Keep pumpkins dry! If you wash pumpkins or use any of the tips below, be sure that they are dried completely before setting them out.
Keep pumpkins in a cool location as well. Heat will cause them to rot quicker as well. You can also place them in a refrigerator if needed to store them or to revive them if they start to show signs of rotting.
via Martha Stewart
Fill your sink or a big tub with water and add 1 tbsp of dish soap and (optional) 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. Soak gourds/pumpkins 15-30 minutes and gently scrub as needed. Rinse + dry well (very important!). The bleach and soap mixture will eliminate any spores that could cause rotting.
As an optional finishing step after you’ve washed your pumpkins using the instructions above, spray them with a matte finish sealer to preserve them even longer! This inexpensive option from Amazon will work perfectly.
In a small spray bottle combine: about 1/2 tablespoon liquid castile soap and 6 drops of peppermint essential oil then fill with water. Spray pumpkin thoroughly then let dry in a cool, shaded area (or even in the fridge!). This also works great for preserving carved pumpkins too. The peppermint oil keeps bugs away and also keeps the pumpkin from wilting.
Use Vaseline and a clean cloth to buff your pumpkins and make them bright + shiny! The Vaseline will also act as a sealer for the pumpkins. Be sure to wash and dry them well before doing this step! You can also use Vaseline on the exposed cut edges of a carved pumpkin to help those last longer too! It will help seal the moisture on the inside of the pumpkin.
via Hey Now Whoa Now
Apparently just a little bit of any brand of floor cleaner will also work to both clean, preserve, and shine your pumpkins all at once! I have never tried this method but I am going to give it a go this year! Use a slightly damp washcloth to apply one coat of floor cleaner to the outside of your pumpkin. Leave it on (no need to wash off) and your pumpkins will be beautiful all season!
Spray down the exterior of any carved or uncarved pumpkin with a coat of WD-40 to preserve it for weeks and keep bugs away as well. Note: Be sure to allow the spray to completely dry for 24 hours before placing a candle inside!