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One Room Challenge 2021: Week 4- Lighting + Upstairs Nook
This week I’ve been focused on the upstairs nook and trying not to panic that we are already HALFWAY through the challenge. I also ordered a wallpaper BUT that is going to be a surprise for you to see later! In the meantime, take a look at some of these fun light fixtures and ideas I have in mind for the upstairs area of the entryway. I have added sections for you to vote for your favorites of each below to help me decide!

One Room Challenge 2021: Week 2- The Great Wallpaper Debate
This past week I’ve been mostly focused on narrowing down selections for the space and meeting with more contractors about the renovation side of the project. I wanted to share the wallpapers I’m debating against, and just to warn you, there’s A LOT. I kept trying to narrow it down but then I would find more options! I shared a little on Instagram but a lot of you asked for sources so I figured this would be the easiest place to share since they’re all from different places! As you can tell, I’m leaning towards a more floral style print which I obviously love in all aspects of my life- clothing, decor. accessories, etc.