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One Room Challenge: Playroom Makeover - FINAL REVEAL!
I can’t believe week 8 is already here and that somehow I got this playroom DONE! I must admit, I took on a few too many DIY projects with this one but I also had so much FUN each step of the way. I learned a lot and we now have an amazing playroom for JW that I know he will enjoy for many, many years to come. Not to mention, my husband and I love this space so much that we have even been hanging out in here after he’s already asleep at night! If you’ve been following me on social media, you’ve likely already seen some after photos of the space but this post will be a complete round up of every project, every item linked to shop, and overall my design process for the entire space!

One Room Challenge: Playroom Makeover Week 7 Update: Music Corner
Week 7 is wrapping up and although you may not be able to tell from these photos, the rest of the room is a disaster zone! I’ve got about a million projects going on and one more week to finish them all up! I can’t believe how quickly the past 7 weeks have flown by! This week I completed this little music corner centered around the piano.

One Room Challenge Playroom Makeover: Week 6 Update
This week was all about the walls! I made more progress on the DIY stenciled wallpaper wall and also added some fun new additions to the book wall (read more about that here)! Check out the videos below for a peek at the process for both of these. I also explained more in depth the DIY wallpaper process in week four’s post here. I started peeling the painter’s tape off of a couple sections and it was so exciting to see the completed look. I just have one more section to go before we are done!

One Room Challenge Week 5 Update: Book Wall
This week we finished up what will probably be my favorite part of the playroom: the book wall! I knew I wanted a large part of the playroom dedicated to books/reading and a spot to display our massive vintage children’s book collection. I decided to have some book ledges/shelves custom made to the exact dimensions I wanted as opposed to buying pre-made shelves and piecing them together. MK Farmhouse Furniture was able to custom build these for me so reasonably (seriously cheaper than I would have paid for store-bought shelves AND he installed them too).

One Room Challenge: Playroom Makeover Week 4 Update: DIY Stenciled Wallpaper using Silhouette Cameo
Well I feel like I don’t have a ton of progress to share this week even though I actually HAVE made a ton of progress this week, it’s just all about halfway done and not very attractive for photos! We are kind of in the phase of the makeover where I have about 10 projects going at once and the room is a hot mess: paint cans everywhere, ladders, toys and regular decor thrown everywhere, walls stripped down and covered in painter’s tape. But despite the mess we are making a little more progress every day!

DIY Giant Playroom Chalkboard on a Budget
I kept seeing these cute chalkboard walls in the rooms I was saving for inspiration for our playroom makeover and fell in love with the idea of an oversized chalkboard to fill one of the walls. We decided to tackle this project ourselves, as I wasn’t able to find a pre-made chalkboard like this for a good price. This entire project cost about $30 to make (assuming you already have the tools you need!). Below I’m laying out what supplies you need and step by step instructions for this easy project! You really could make this other shapes as well besides the house shape if you want! It’s such a fun and functional way to fill an empty way in a nursery, kid’s room, or playroom!