One Room Challenge Playroom Makeover: Week 6 Update

This week was all about the walls! I made more progress on the DIY stenciled wallpaper wall and also added some fun new additions to the book wall (read more about that here)! Check out the videos below for a peek at the process for both of these. I also explained more in depth the DIY wallpaper process in week four’s post here. I started peeling the painter’s tape off of a couple sections and it was so exciting to see the completed look. I just have one more section to go before we are done!

Then I wanted to add something to the book wall that would coordinate with the stenciled wall and add a little pop of color. I originally thought about duplicating the same exact process over there but decided to switch it up and do something a little different! I came across these adorable rainbow decals on Etsy and was thrilled to see that the maker could customize them in any colors! I had her make mine in the exact same colors as the paint colors from the sun wall and I love how they turned out! These were super easy to apply and shipped so quickly! I just love the extra pop of color they add and they make this wall even better!

Just 2 more weeks to go and I’m going to be finishing projects down to the wire! I just can’t wait to share the finished space with you all so soon!

Be sure to follow along here to see all the One Room Challenge posts easily in one place! You can also follow the hashtag #oneroomchallenge on Instagram to discover all the projects and progress!

You can follow my playroom makeover project and see all the past posts together by clicking here.




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