Step by Step Plan for an Organized Home: Week 6 | Laundry Room

     I recently finished a mini makeover of my laundry room that I shared on the blog a few months ago.  In addition to adding a laundry counter and some shelving,  I also focused on getting all my cleaning supplies organized and minimizing what I keep in this area.  Since our laundry room doubles as our mudroom and is in a pretty visible area of our home, it was super important that all my laundry supplies not only be organized, but look semi attractive too.  I removed as much as I could from packages and transferred a lot of my cleaning products to glass jars.  This is such a simple solution but really makes all the difference when organizing not only your laundry room, but also your kitchem pantry, and even linen closet.  I've listed my top tips for getting started on organizing your laundry room as well as my favorite jars, crates, and organizers below!



1. Remove most laundry supplies from packaging if possible and transfer to glass jars.  I spray painted the lids of my jars (jars are linked below) gold so that they would match the rest of the metal finishes in my laundry room.

2.  Use small kitchen scoops, cups, or vintage metal scoops in each jar to easily scoop out detergents when needed.

3.  Use crates or metal tubs to corral the rest of your cleaning products if needed.    

4.  An extra shelf above your laundry area can also help add an extra level of storage space (I create mine with simple spray painted metal shelf brackets and a stained piece of plywood).  

5.  A few wall hooks also gives you extra space for cleaning tools and supplies.

6.  Use a large tray on your laundry counter to corral your most used products and keep them easily within reach (I keep my fabric softener and all purpose cleaner here).

Find the rest of my laundry room details here.


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