One Room Challenge 2023- Week 2: Wallpapers, Sinks, + More I’m Loving for the Pantry

This week I have been narrowing down selections for our pantry space and trying to build a general color scheme. As usual, I started with wallpaper to get inspired by the colors and prints! Not even sure exactly where we’ll be using this- whether on the walls, backsplash, or back of shelves, but definitely going to add some wallpaper accents somewhere! Check out some of my favorite picks so far below! As you can see, I’m leaning toward very vintage cottage feel wallpapers (many with fruit print, which I thought was appropriate for a pantry!). I particularly like the ones with multiple colors so I can pull cabinet color and accent colors from the wallpaper. It’s going to be such a hard choice- let me know your favorites by voting in the box below! You can also see some picks I’ve rounded up for the bar sink too!
Check out my WEEK 1 POST here to see more of my inspiration and plans for this space!
Check out my past One Room Challenge posts here!