One Room Challenge: Playroom Makeover Week 3 Update: Lights + DIY Chalkboard

We made some good progress this week in the playroom: we have LIGHT, we completed the DIY house chalkboard, and we finalized the plans for built-ins and shelves. I’m loving the light and although I was concerned about it hanging down too low, it ended up being perfect for the space and isn’t in the way at all. But as with all old houses, when you fix one problem, you create more. Now we do have a few holes in the drywall from where our electrican had to cut in to run the electric (since this room had not ever had an overhead light. Hopefully we can fix those this weekend (we are going to try to patch it ourselves so I’ll let you know how that goes!).

We also finished this adorable house-shaped DIY giant chalkboard and hung it on one of the walls. We added this little IKEA bucket hanger on top to hold chalk/erasers. I wasn’t sure if JW would be old enough to understand how to use the chalk yet but he LOVES it. I’m actually going to have to hide it occasionally because he wants to draw on EVERYTHING with it still. I shared the full step by step of this in this post here if you’re interested in how to make your own!

Finally, the carpenter came and measured and finalized the built-in layout/plan and is going to get started on building them this weekend. I went ahead and had him measure and build the bookshelves too for the book wall and he may be able to install those as early as next week! I also have gotten the stencils cut and printed for my “faux wallpaper” wall and hope to start working on that this weekend.

Be sure to follow along here to see all the One Room Challenge posts easily in one place! You can also follow the hashtag #oneroomchallenge on Instagram to discover all the projects and progress!

You can follow my playroom makeover project and see all the past posts together by clicking here.




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