Baby Riddle is a BOY!
The secret is out and on Monday we found out that baby Riddle is a boy! Alex called it from the beginning, and has been calling him "baby Woodford" for months now. I thought deep down it was a girl just because he was being way too overconfident! The ultrasound appointment was quite eventful because I woke up at 3 AM the night before with an awful stomach virus! I was still so sick when it was time to leave for our appointment but I was determined not to miss it, so we headed to the doctor with a barf bag in tow (not a joke!). I made it through the appointment and was so relieved to hear the baby's heartbeat again. The combination of being so sick with that virus and not having hardly any pregnancy symptoms the past 4 weeks, always makes me nervous, but thankfully the heartbeat was perfect and all looked good. Now I'm so excited to get started on decorating the nursery and being able to start shopping for our little one! Stay tuned for my plans for the nursery and some "before" photos!